This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Towards collaborations, AI-Mind in a new Horizon Europe project

AI-Mind, represented by the project coordinator, Dr. Ira Haraldsen from Oslo University Hospital (OUS) and other consortium members, participates in the successful eBRAIN-Health project (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01-01 call) coordinated by Prof. Petra Ritter from Charité University Hospital (BIH).

The eBRAIN-Health project started on 1st July and will run for four years with approximately € 13 million in funding through the Horizon Europe research and innovation framework programme.

The overarching goal of the eBRAINS-Health consortium is to develop a decentralised, data protection-compliant research platform capable of simulating some of the brain’s complex neurobiological phenomena. As a result, it will allow a large number of researchers to conduct innovative research within a powerful digital platform. The foundation of this work is the HealthDataCloud service for sensitive data, developed for EBRAINS.

Along with 20 eBRAIN-Health project partners, Oslo University Hospital, Complutense University of Madrid and Alzheimer Europe will jointly facilitate the establishment of the new research platform. The consortium hosted its kick-off meeting online on 11 July.

As a major partner of the newly funded Horizon Europe project, OUS will contribute to the data collection process. AI-Mind project partners consider this collaboration as an opportunity to enrich AI-Mind algorithms with synthetic data, which could accordingly lead to even better outcomes within the project.

Read more about the eBRAIN-Health project on the EBRAINS website.