This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Crossing and buildings in Madrid and the AI-Mind logo with the text 5th General Assembly

Only a few days left till the 5th AI-Mind General Assembly!

We are delighted to announce that the 5th AI-Mind General Assembly (#AIMindGA) will take place this week from 17-18 November as a hybrid event. Hosted by two project partners – The Complutense University Of Madrid (UCM) and Lurtis Rules S.L. (Lurtis) the 5th #AIMindGA will take place in Madrid, Spain and online enabling all consortium members to join. The in-person meeting is an excellent opportunity to bring consortium members to discuss AI-Mind progress, attend scientific lectures and share knowledge also through interactive exercises.

A carefully prepared agenda combines scientific lecturers, dedicated to different work packages (WPs) sessions and open discussions of all consortium members. Prof. Fernando Maetsú (UCM), Cristobal Belda ( Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and Luis Peña (Lurtis) will kick off the meeting with a welcome introduction, followed by a “state of the play” from the project coordinator, Dr Ira Haraldsen (OUS), whose talk will focus on the AI-Mind progress.

Over two days, the project partners will attend the sessions and discuss, among others

  • Clinical implementation of the AI-Mind Connector & Predictor
  • Concept governance and requirements
  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
  • Open science practices
  • Data management and features extraction
  • AI-modelling of the AI-Mind Connector & Predictor
  • Data analysis and interactive visualisation platform
  • Updates on the project management and organisation

The programme also offers three guest lectures

  • Electrophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease, Prof. Cornelis Stam (Amsterdam UCM)
  • Electrophysiology of other types of dementia (non-AD), James Rowe (University of Cambridge)
  • How AI and neuroscience drive each other forward, Prof. Ole Petter Ottersen (Karolinska Institute)

And the range of networking opportunities to all AI-Midn partners, but especially to all PhD students involved in the project.

Meeting highlights will be shared online via the AI-Mind social media channels, so follow @AIMind_eu on Twitter and get insights shared from #AIMindGA.

Also, visit our website to read more after the event.
