This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
group of participants to the conference

MEG Nord 2023: Advancing Nordic Research in Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

MEG Nord 2023, the annual conference that serves as a focal point for the Nordic magnetoencephalography (MEG) community, successfully convened 146 scientists in Espoo, Finland. The event, held from May 8th to 9th, provided an invaluable platform for researchers, scientists, and clinicians to discuss current and future topics in the MEG field, encompassing clinical applications and technological advancements.


Organised by the BioMag laboratory at Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) and the Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering and Aalto Neuroimaging at Aalto University (AALTO), MEG Nord 2023 featured a series of informative presentations, insightful discussions, and engaging poster sessions. These sessions showcased the diverse range of MEG research taking place in the Nordic region, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among professionals dedicated to brain research.

One of the conference’s highlights was a keynote lecture delivered by Prof. Fernando Maestù, a renowned partner of the AI-Mind project and a distinguished Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Professor Maestù’s lecture focused on MEG biomarkers in cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease, providing valuable insights into this critical area of study. Additionally, MD Antti Kinnunen, also affiliated with the AI-Mind consortium, delivered a concise talk on AI-Mind, emphasising the collection of M/EEG biomarkers within the project. Furthermore, PhD Timo Saarinen presented a poster on the general AI-Mind pipeline, shedding light on the project’s overarching methodology.

PhD student collaborating in AI-Mind project

MD Antti Kinnunen

The attendees expressed significant interest in the AI-Mind project, particularly highlighting the substantial volume of M/EEG data it has amassed and its potential impact on the clinical neuroimaging field. This recognition positions the project as a valuable contributor to advancements in brain research.

MEG Nord 2023 undoubtedly made a lasting impression on the MEG research community, inspiring researchers, scientists, and clinicians to push the boundaries of knowledge in brain research.

Prof. Fernando Maestù

According to Prof. Maestù,

“MEG Nord 2023 provided an excellent opportunity for researchers and clinicians to discuss clinical advances using MEG and explore new avenues for understanding brain diseases.

For more in-depth information about the conference and to access the research presented at MEG Nord 2023, please visit the official MEG Nord 2023 website at MEG Nord 2023.

Immerse yourself in the advancements made and contribute to the ongoing progress in the captivating realm of brain science.

Featured photo by Photo by @Ilkka Nissilä
