This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
AI-Mind newsletter announcement no3

AI-Mind's Third Study Newsletter is Now Available in Five Languages

We are excited to announce that the third issue of the AI-Mind project study newsletter is now available in five different languages!

This newsletter provides valuable updates on the latest advancements in dementia research and offers insights into the progress of the AI-Mind project. Released periodically, our informative newsletter keeps subscribers informed about innovative methodologies for early dementia diagnosis, recent dementia-related studies, and lifestyle interventions to enhance overall well-being.

In this third issue, readers can explore key moments from the General Assembly and an exhibition dedicated to ageing. The newsletter also provides valuable insights into brain screening methods and the benefits of blood analysis, among other topics.

To ensure inclusivity and engagement, the newsletter is shared with study participants who are keen to learn about the study’s progress in various countries. Each issue is meticulously adapted to local audiences, incorporating specific information relevant to different regions. This approach helps build a wider AI-Mind community and fosters a sense of involvement and connection among study participants.

Stay informed and gain a deeper understanding of the potential impact of the AI-Mind project on dementia research by reading our latest newsletter. We invite all our subscribers and study participants to join us in exploring these groundbreaking advancements and contribute to the collective effort to enhance dementia care and research.

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