This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

AI-Mind Wins at the AIIC-Awards During the XXIV AIIC National Conference

The third edition of the AIIC-Awards was held during the XXIV AIIC National Conference in Rome, Italy, from 15 to 18 May 2024. The AIIC, the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers, organised the congress under the theme “Chronicity, territory, proximity: we build the digital ecosystem” at the Roma Convention Centre “LA NUVOLA”.

The event attracted 2,600 attendees and featured more than 160 speakers, all focusing on the integration of healthcare services in Italy. Discussions centred on managing chronic diseases, addressing local healthcare needs, and enhancing patient care proximity through a unified digital ecosystem. Innovative solutions tackling healthcare challenges, from intricate medical devices to logistical processes, were meticulously evaluated.

A highlight of the conference was the AIIC-Awards, which celebrated excellence across 11 categories with a total of 190 proposals. The AI-Mind project triumphed in the category “Methods and experiences in the Health Technology Assessment”. This recognition was particularly significant as attendees had the opportunity to vote for the best project, emphasising the collaborative spirit of the event.

On Saturday, 18 May, the WP6 leader, Prof. Rossella di Bidino, presented the AI-Mind project during the XXIV Annual Congress of AIIC. Her presentation, titled “The EU project AI-Mind develops and validates methods for the assessment of AI-based technologies: from early HTA to a full assessment,” highlighted the project’s innovative work.

The AIIC-Awards have become a focal point for sharing experiences and nurturing innovation within healthcare, providing both physical and virtual platforms for dialogue, exploration, and collaboration. By propelling forward the most promising ideas, the Awards serve as catalysts for positive change within the healthcare landscape.