This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

AI-Mind meets EBRAINS - webinar on EBRAIN services

Jan G. Bjaalie, Professor MD PhD, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo

Maaike van Swieten, PhD, Researcher, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo

On Monday, February 21, as part of the growing collaboration between AI-Mind and EBRAINS, a webinar on EBRAINS services took place. AI-Mind had a great pleasure to host Jan Bjaalie and Maaike van Swieten from UiO and HBP/EBRAINS who shared their knowledge on EBRAINS services with insights into the use of the Data and Knowledge service, the “online solutions to facilitate sharing of and access to research data, computational models and software” offered by EBRAINS. The AI-Mind consortium was actively present with more than 20 participants. 

After a warm welcome to the presenters and participants, Prof. Jan G. Bjaalie presented a wide spectrum of services provided by EBRAINS. These include Data and Knowledge, Atlases, Simulation, Brain-Inspired Technologies, Medical Data Analytics and Community.

The interesting overview was followed by a presentation given by Dr. Maaike van Swieten.  Dr. van Swieten talked about how EBRAINS DATA AND KNOWLEDGE services support neuroscience research and discovery, focusing on how researchers can share, find, and reuse data through the EBRAINS Curation services and EBRAINS Knowledge Graph

Jan Bjaalie, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, where he leads a team of researchers, data curation scientists, and software developers contributing to the building of the EBRAINS RI, the European distributed research infrastructure for brain and brain-inspired research. He is Infrastructure Director of the EU Human Brain Project, leader of the EBRAINS Data services, Head of the Norwegian Neuroinformatics Node, and former Head of the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo (2009 – 2016).

Maaike van Swieten, PhD, has a PhD and Post Doc from the University of Oxford in computational neuroscience. She is responsible for the development of research-driven ontologies, use-cases, optimisation of curation workflows, and the management and ingestion of data and metadata into the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph, at the University of Oslo. Maaike is also responsible for the communication and dissemination of the Data and Knowledge services offered by EBRAINS, including community building and the development of training material.
