This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Presentation from Ainar Drews at LETHE webinar

AI-Mind featured at LETHE webinar on artificial intelligence in dementia research

On January 17, AI-Mind was showcased during the third event of the LETHE webinar series, titled “Beyond the hype: AI in dementia – from early risk detection to disease treatment.” The webinar highlighted the work of four EU-funded projects: LETHE, AI-Mind, ADIS and PROMINENT. These initiatives are at the forefront of exploring how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being applied across different stages of dementia research, focusing on prevention, early diagnosis and intervention. 

Moderated by Cindy Birck from Alzheimer Europe, the online event attracted over 70 participants. The webinar featured individual presentations from each project before moving to a panel discussion, where speakers answered questions from the audience. Ainar Drews from the University of Oslo gave a general introduction to AI and presented the AI-Mind project, highlighting its two digital tools currently under development: the AI-Mind Connector and the AI-Mind Predictor. Both tools will be integrated into a cloud-based diagnostic support platform designed to enhance early detection and treatment options for dementia.

AI MIND Ainar presenting
AI-Mind concept visual

For those who missed the live session, the recording from the webinar is now available on the LETHE YouTube channel. 
