This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

AI-Mind contributes to the Living Looonger exhibition at NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam

Is it possible that in the future we could reach the age of 150, or maybe even live for a whole millennium? And how would such a long life affect our zest for life or social roles? Would it be better if we embraced our mortality and familiarised ourselves with death?

On January 19, 2024, NEMO Studio in Amsterdam welcomed visitors to the Living Looonger exhibition dedicated to the fascinating world of ageing. The exhibition will run until January 2025  exploring strategies to stay healthy for the long haul. AI-Mind has contributed to this exhibition, showcasing a cap designed for screening brain connectivity using the electroencephalogram (EEG) method. EEG is one of the measurements performed within the AI-Mind study to better understand the connectivity of the brain of people affected by mild cognitive impairment.

What is EEG?

EEG is a test that measures and records the electrical activity in your brain. Our brains communicate through electrical impulses, and EEG helps to capture and display these signals.

How does it work?

Small metal discs called electrodes are attached to the scalp using a special gel. These electrodes detect the electrical activity generated by brain cells (neurons). The signals are then amplified and recorded, creating a pattern of waves on a computer screen.

What is it used for?

EEG is used to diagnose and monitor various brain conditions. It can help identify abnormalities in brain function, such as seizures, epilepsy, sleep disorders, and certain neurological disorders.

Exhibition case at NEMO Science Museum Studio with EEG cap

What EEG essentially means is “recording the electrical activity of the brain”




refers to electricity, which is a form of energy

from the Greek word “enkephalos,” meaning brain

this means to record

Do you want to dive into the scientific nuances of the EEG screening method? You can watch the AI-Mind webinars on 

Read about the NEMO Science Museum

Read about STUDIO

The Living Looonger exhibition is an excellent opportunity to witness the synergy between scientific breakthroughs and the exploration of age-related mysteries. Initiatives like the Living Looonger exhibition, where research projects integrate into the “non-scientific” scene, bridge the gap between scientific advancements and societal engagement and foster a deeper understanding of complex subjects.

The AI-Mind Project, through collaborations, innovative research and impactful outreach strategies, continues to drive positive change. The commitment of the AI-Mind partners contributes not only to scientific progress but also to raising awareness of cognitive decline and dementia.

Help us raise awareness of the dementia challenge and healthy ageing. Share the article on social channels. 
