This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

How to prevent and delay dementia

We are facing a digital paradigm shift in health and care. In 2050, 260,000 people working in health are needed. This corresponds to 1 in 3 workers, compared to 1 in 7 today. The ongoing pandemic has contributed to the fact that both the healthcare system and citizens have opened their eyes to the needs and benefits of bringing new technology into the healthcare service. And here lies part of the key when we are to create a sustainable future healthcare system.

Today, over 100,000 people in Norway have dementia, and as we live longer and have an ever-increasing proportion of elderly people in our population, this number will probably double by 2050. Over 400,000 are close relatives of someone with dementia. How can new technology help to prevent and early diagnose the development of dementia? And is it technology that can give us an increased quality of life if the disease strikes us?

This is some of what we will explore in this webinar.

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Apr 04 2021

