This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964220. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Takeaways from AI-Mind’s 7th General Assembly

Takeaways from AI-Mind’s 7th General Assembly Helsinki, Finland – October 19-20, 2023 Following the success of the 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference  that attracted 1000 participants from 69 contries, the AI-Mind Project consortium gathered for its 7th General Assembly meeting, hosted by partners from BioMag Laboratory HUS Medical Imaging Center, Helsinki University Hospital, and Aalto University […]

The AI-Mind reports on the 6th General Assembly in Zurich

AI-Mind consortium members attending the 6th General Assembly in Zurich, Switzerland

The AI-Mind reports on the 6th General Assembly in Zurich Organisations and individuals around the world are helping to raise public awareness of the challenge of neurological diseases and the importance of brain research during Brain Awareness Week in March. AI-Mind, an EU-funded research and innovation project, is committed to tackling the challenge of dementia. […]

Highlights from the 5th AI-Mind General Assembly meeting

Highlights from the 5th AI-Mind General Assembly meeting This autumn has been full of events for the AI-Mind consortium and November is no exception. The 5thAI-Mind General Assembly (GA) was officially opened on 17 November at the CaixaForum, a cultural centre in Madrid, Spain. The meeting was held as a hybrid event, allowing participants to […]

Only a few days left till the 5th AI-Mind General Assembly!

Crossing and buildings in Madrid and the AI-Mind logo with the text 5th General Assembly

Only a few days left till the 5th AI-Mind General Assembly! We are delighted to announce that the 5th AI-Mind General Assembly (#AIMindGA) will take place this week from 17-18 November as a hybrid event. Hosted by two project partners – The Complutense University Of Madrid (UCM) and Lurtis Rules S.L. (Lurtis) the 5th #AIMindGA will take place in […]